Types of Rope




Nylon Strongest of all ropes in common use (when dry). Resistant to abrasion. Will stretch so absorbs shock loads. Good for tow lines, anchor warps and dock lines.
Polyester Stronger than nylon when wet. Low stretch with good abrasion and chemical resistance. Used for running rigging.
Polypropylene Not as strong as other synthetic fibres. Floats and does not absorb water. Excellent chemical resistance but deteriorates in sunlight. Used for rescue lines.
Polyethylene Similar to polypropylene. Deteriorates in sunlight, subject to chafe. Floats in water. Used for water-ski ropes and within the fishing industry.



Manila Strong, low stretch and very resistant to sunlight. Holds knots well. Needs to be stored cool and dry. Used for sustained loads and decorative ropework.
Sisal Similar to manila but not as strong. Commonly used for lashings and tie-downs.







Most commonly 3-strand with a right hand twist. Have a preferred direction for coiling.



Inherently low stretch, soft feel and low friction. Majority consist of outer cover and inner core. More difficult to splice.